Reportable Diseases

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Reportable Cancer List DX 10/2022 or later


For cases diagnosed 10/1/2022 and after

The following lists are intended to assist you, as the reporter, in identifying the reportable neoplasms for your facility. Any reportable neoplasms diagnosed on or after January 1, 1996 should be reported to the Mississippi Cancer Registry.


  • Malignant neoplasms (Behavior 2 and 3) (exclusions noted below)
  • Benign and borderline neoplasms of the central nervous system (Cases diagnosed on or after January 1, 2004)
Note 1: Pilocytic/juvenile astrocytoma listed as 9421/1 in ICD-O-3, is reportable beginning in 2001, and should be coded to 9421/3 for cases diagnosed prior to January 1,2023. Beginning January 1, 2023, pilocytic astrocytoma should be coded as 9421/1.
Note 2: Pilocytic astrocytoma/optic glioma of the optic nerve should be coded 9421/1 beginning with diagnoses January 1, 2018 and forward.

  • Squamous intraepithelial neoplasia grade III of vulva [VIN], vagina [VAIN], and anus [AIN] beginning with 2001 cases.
  • Carcinoid, NOS of the appendix is reportable and should be coded with a behavior of 3 (Cases diagnosed on or after January 1, 2015)
  • Lobular neoplasia grade III (LN III)/lobular intraepithelial neoplasia grade III (LIN III) breast C500-C509 (January 1, 2016 and forward)
  • Pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN III) (January 1, 2016 and forward)
  • Penile intraepithelial neoplasia III (PeIN III) (January 1, 2016 and forward)
  • GIST tumors, all histologies changed to behavior 3 in ICD-O-3.2 (Cases diagnosed January 1, 2021 and later).
Note: GIST, NOS with multiple tumor foci and/or metastatic to lymph nodes or distant sites were assigned a behavior of 3 prior to January 1, 2021 and were reportable.

  • Thymoma, most behaviors changed to 3 in ICD-O-3.2 (January 1, 2021 and later).
Exceptions: Microscopic thymoma or thymoma benign (8580/0), micronodular thymoma with lymphoid stroma (8580/1), and ectopic hamartomatous thymoma (8587/0)
Note: Prior to January 1, 2021, thymoma, NOS was reportable with behavior of 3 if there were multiple tumors or metastasis to nodes and distant sites.

  • GIST, NOS with multiple tumor foci and/or metastatic to lymph nodes or distant sites (Prior to January 1, 2021)
  • Early or evolving melanoma in situ, or any other early or evolving melanoma beginning January 1, 2021 and forward.
  • Low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm (LAMN) behavior changed to 2 effective January 1, 2022.
  • High-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm (HAMN) behavior changed to 2 effective January 1, 2022.

These are just some highlighted reportable conditions. For all reportable histologies, refer to for the lists of reportable conditions reportable as of January 1, 2023.


  • Skin cancers (C44._) with histologies 8000-8005, 8010-8046, 8050-8084, 8090-8110
  • CIS of the cervix and CIN III and SIN III
  • PIN III (January 1, 2001 and later)
  • Borderline cystadenomas (ICD-O-3 Histologies 8442, 8451, 8462, 8472, 8473), of the ovaries with behavior code “1” are not collected as of January 1, 2001
  • Cyst, brain or CNS tumor that does not have an ICD-O-3 code as of January 1, 2004
  • Colorectal tumors with the following morphologic description:
    • Serrated dysplasia, high grade
    • Adenomatous polyp, high grade dysplasia
    • Tubular adenoma, high grade
    • Villous adenoma, high grade
    • Tubulovillous adenoma, high grade
  • Microscopic thymoma or thymoma benign (8580/0), micronodular thymoma with lymphoid stroma (8580/1), and ectopic hamartomatous thymoma (8587/0)

These are just some highlighted non-reportable conditions. For all reportable/non-reportable histologies, refer to for the lists of reportable/non-reportable conditions as of January 1, 2023.


All diagnostic reports should be reviewed for reportability. If the terminology is ambiguous, use the following list to determine if the case should be reported.

Terms That Constitute a Diagnosis**Terms That Do Not Constitute a Diagnosis
Apparent(ly)Cannot be ruled out
Comparable withPossible
Compatible withPotentially malignant
Consistent withQuestionable
FavorsRule out
Malignant appearingSuggests
Most likelyWorrisome
Suspicious (for)
Typical of
Tumor (beginning with 2004 diagnosis and only for C70.0-C72.9, C75.1-C75.3)
Neoplasm (beginning with 2004 diagnosis and only for C70.0-C72.9, C75.1-C75.3)

** Do not substitute synonyms such as "supposed" for "presumed" or "equal" for "comparable." Do not substitute "likely" for "most likely." Use on the exact words on the list.


  • If a cytology is reported using any ambiguous term, do not interpret it as a diagnosis of cancer. Abstract the case only if a positive biopsy or a physician’s clinical impression of cancer supports the cytology findings.
  • Genetic findings in the absence of pathologic or clinical evidence of reportable disease are indicative of risk only and do not constitute a diagnosis.


ICD-10-CM CodesExplanation of Codes
C00._-C43._, C4A._, C45._- C48._, C49._ - C96._Malignant neoplasms (excluding category C44 and C49.A), stated or presumed to be primary (of specified site) and certain specified histologies 1
C44.00, C44.09Unspecified/other malignant neoplasm of skin of lip
C44.10_, C44.19_Unspecified/other malignant neoplasm of skin of eyelid
C44.13_Sebaceous cell carcinoma of the skin of eyelid (Effective 10/1/2018)
C44.20_, C44.29_Unspecified/other malignant neoplasm skin of ear and external auricular canal
C44.30_, C44.39_Unspecified/other malignant neoplasm of skin of other/unspecified parts of face
C44.40, C44.49Unspecified/other malignant neoplasm of skin of scalp & neck
C44.50_, C44.59_Unspecified/other malignant neoplasm of skin of trunk
C44.60_, C44.69_Unspecified/other malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb, incl. shoulder
C44.70_, C44.79_Unspecified/other malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb, including hip
C44.80, C44.89Unspecified/other malignant neoplasm of skin of overlapping sites of skin
C44.90, C44.99Unspecified/other malignant neoplasm of skin of unspecified sites of skin
C49.A_Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Note: All GIST are reportable beginning 1/1/2021.
D00._, D05._, D07._, D09._In-situ neoplasms (Note: Carcinoma in situ of the cervix (CIN III-8077/2), Prostatic Intraepithelial Carcinoma (PIN III-8148/2), and basal and squamous cell in situ lesions of of skin are not reportable).
D18.02Hemangioma of intracranial structures and any site
D32._Benign neoplasm of meninges (cerebral, spinal and unspecified)
D33._Benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
D35.2 - D35.4Benign neoplasm of pituitary gland, craniopharyngeal duct and pineal gland
D42._, D43._Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behavior of meninges, brain, CNS
D44.3 – D44.5Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behavior of pituitary gland, craniopharyngeal duct and pineal gland
D45Polycythemia vera (9950/3)
D46._Myelodysplastic syndromes (9980, 9982, 9983, 9985, 9986, 9989, 9993)
D47.02Systemic mastocytosis
D47.1Chronic myeloproliferative disease (9963/3, 9975/3)
D47.3Essential (hemorrhagic) thrombocythemia (9962/3) Includes Essential thrombocytosis, idiopathic hemorrhagic thrombocythemia
D47.4Osteomyelofibrosis (9961/3) Includes: Chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis, Myelofibrosis (idiopathic) (with myeloid metaplasia), myelosclerosis (megakaryocytic) with myeloid metaplasia), secondary myelofibrosis in myeloproliferative disease
D47.Z_Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue, unspecified (9960/3, 9971/3, 9931/3) Note: Effective 1/1/2021, PTLD (9971/3) is no longer reportable (9971/3)
D47.9Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissue, unspecified (9931/3)
D49.6, D49.7Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of brain, endocrine glands and other CNS
D72.11_Hypereosinophilic syndrome {HES} (9964/3)
K31.A22Gastric intestinal metaplasia with high grade dysplasia
R85.614Cytologic evidence of malignancy on smear of anus
R87.614Cytologic evidence of malignancy on smear of cervix
R87.624Cytologic evidence of malignancy on smear of vagina
R90.0Intracranial space-occupying lesion found on diagnostic imaging of central nervous system.

1 Note: Beginning with cases diagnosed 1/1/2023, pilocytic astrocytoma are coded 9421/1. Cases diagnosed prior to 1/1/2023 are coded 9421/3.


Cases with the following codes should be screened as time allows. Experience has shown that use of this supplemental list increases casefinding for benign brain and CNS, hematopoietic neoplasms and other reportable diseases and treatment related information.

ICD-10-CM CodesExplanation of Codes
D06._Carcinoma in situ of the cervix
D13.7Benign neoplasm of endocrine pancreas Note: Effective 1/1/2021: Review this code to look for the following which were previously a benign tumor of the pancreas, but is now malignant per ICD-O-3.2
  • Islet cell adenoma
  • Nesidioblastoma
  • Islet cell adenomatosis
  • Insulinoma
  • Beta cell adenoma
D21.4Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of abdomen Note: Effective 1/1/2021: Review this code to look for the following which were previously a benign tumor of the pancreas, but is now malignant per ICD-O-3.2 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, NOS/GIST, NOS/Gastrointestinal autonomic nerve tumor/GANT/Gastrointestinal pacemaker cell tumor (8936/1, now 8936/3)
D23.9Other benign neoplasm of skin Benign carcinoid tumors of other sites Note: Effective 1/1/2021: Review these codes to look for the following which were previously benign and borderline tumors, but are now malignant per ICD-O-3.2
  • Aggressive digital papillary adenoma (C44_) (8408/1, but now 8408/3)
D35.0_Benign neoplasm of adrenal gland Note: Effective 1/1/2021: Review this code to look for the following which was previously a benign (8700/0) tumor of the adrenal gland, but is now malignant per ICD-O-3.2 (8700/3)
  • Pheochromocytoma
  • Adrenal medullary paraganglioma
  • Chromaffin paraganglioma
  • Chromaffin tumor
  • Chromaffinoma
D37.8Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of other specified digestive organs (includes uncertain behavior of pancreas) Note: Effective 1/1/2021: Review this code to look for the following histologies which were previously borderline tumors, but are now malignant per ICD-O-3.2
  • Pancreatic endocrine tumor, NOS (C259, 8150/1, now 8150/3)
  • Islet cell tumor, NOS (C259, 8150/1, now 8150/3)
  • Glucagonoma, NOS (C259, 8152/1, now 8152/3)
  • Alpha cell tumor, NOS (C259, 8152/1, now 8152/3)
  • Glucagon-like peptid-producing tumor (C259, 8152/1, now 8152/3)
  • Somastostatinoma, NOS (8156/1, now 8156/3)
  • Endocrine tumor, functioning, NOS (8158/1/, now 8158/3)
ACTH-producing tumor (8158/1, now 8158/3)
D3A._Benign carcinoid tumors Note: Effective 1/1/2021: Review these codes to look for the following which were previously benign or borderline tumors, but are now malignant per ICD-O-3.2
  • Carcinoid tumor, argentaffinoma, NOS (8240/1, now 8241/3)
  • Enterochromaffin-like cell carcinoid, NOS (8242/1, now 8241/3)
D44.6Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of carotid body Note: Effective 1/1/2021: Review this code to look for the following histologies which were previously borderline tumors, but are now malignant per ICD-O-3.2
  • Carotid body tumor/Carotid body paraganglioma (8962/1, now 8962/3)
D44.7Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of aortic body and other paraganglia Note: Effective 1/1/2021: Review this code to look for the following histologies which were previously borderline tumors, but are now malignant per ICD-O-3.2
  • Paraganglioma, NOS (8680/1, now 8680/3)
  • Sympathetic paraganglioma (8681/1, now 8681/3)
  • Parasympathetic paraganglioma (8682/1, now 8682/3)
  • Glomulus jugulare tumor, NOS/jugular paraganglioma/juglotympanic paraganglioma (8690/1, now 8690/3)
  • Aortic body tumor/aortic body paraganglioma/aorticopulmonary paraganglioma (8691/1, now 8691/3)
  • Extra-adrenal paraganglioma, NOS/nonchromaffin paraganglioma, NOS/chemodectroma (8693/1, now 8693/3)
D48.0Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of bone and articular cartilage Note: Effective 1/1/2021: Review this code to look for the following histologies which were previously borderline tumors, but are now malignant per ICD-O-3.2
  • Clear cell odontogenic tumor (9341/1, now 9341/3)
D48.1Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of connective and other soft tissue of abdomen Note: Effective 1/1/2021: Review this code to look for the following which were previously a benign tumor of the pancreas, but is now malignant per ICD-O-3.2 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, NOS/GIST, NOS/Gastrointestinal autonomic nerve tumor/GANT/Gastrointestinal pacemaker cell tumor (8936/1, now 8936/3)
D49.2Neoplasm of unspecified behavior of digestive organs (includes unspecified behavior of pancreas) Note: Review this code to look for the following which were previously unknown behavior tumors of the pancreas, but are now malignant tumors per ICD-O-2.3 (Histology 8150/3)
  • Pancreatic endocrine tumor, NOS
  • Islet cell tumor, NOS
D61.810Antineoplastic chemotherapy induced pancytopenia
D64.81Anemia due to antineoplastic chemotherapy
D70.1Agranulocytosis secondary to cancer chemotherapy
D72.10Eosinophilia, NOS (Note: Screen for incorrectly coded Chronic eosinophilic leukemia, 9964/3)
D75.81Myelofibrosis (note: this is not primary myelofibrosis [9961/3])
E31.2_Multiple endocrine neoplasia [MEN] syndromes
E34.0Carcinoid syndrome
E88.3Tumor lysis syndrome (following antineoplastic chemotherapy)
G89.3Neoplasm related pain (acute)(chronic)
H47.42Disorders of optic chiasms in (due to) neoplasm
H47.52_Disorders of visual pathways in (due to) neoplasm
H47.63_Disorders of visual cortex in (due to) neoplasm
I31.31Malignant pericardial effusion in diseases classified elsewhere
J70.0Acute pulmonary manifestations due to radiation
J70.1Chronic and other pulmonary manifestations due to radiation
J91.0Malignant pleural effusion
K12.31Oral mucositis (ulcerative) due to antineoplastic therapy
K12.33Oral mucositis (ulcerative) due to radiation
K52.0Gastroenteritis and colitis due to radiation
K62.7Radiation proctitis
K62.82Dysplasia of anus (AIN I and AIN II)
K92.81Gastrointestinal mucositis (ulcerated) (due to antineoplastic therapy)
L59.8Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue related to radiation
L59.9Disorder of the skin and subcutaneous tissue related to radiation, unspecified
M31.11Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation-associated thrombotic microangioplasty
M96.2Postradiation kyphosis
M96.5Postradiation scoliosis
N30.4_Irradiation cystitis
N46.024Azoospermia due to radiation
N46.124Oligospermia due to radiation
N52.31-N52.32, N52.34-N52.36Post procedural erectile dysfunction (due to prostatectomy, cystectomy, radiation)
O35.6_Maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus by radiation
O9A.1_Malignant neoplasm complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium
P04.11Newborn affected by maternal antineoplastic chemotherapy
P04.12Newborn affected by maternal cytotoxic drugs
Q85.0_Neurofibromatosis (nonmalignant) (9540/1)
Note: Neurofibromatosis is not cancer. These tumors can be precursors to acoustic neuromas, which are reportable
R18.0Malignant ascites
R53.0Neoplastic (malignant) related fatigue
R97.21Rising PSA following treatment for malignant neoplasm of prostate
T38.6_Poisoning by antigonadotropins, antiestrogens, antiandrogens, not elsewhere classified
T38.8_, T38.9_Poisoning by hormones and their synthetic substitutes
T45.1_Poisoning by, adverse effect of and under dosing of antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs
T45.8_, T45.9_Poisoning by primary systemic and hematological agent, unspecified
T66._Unspecified effects of radiation
T80.81_Extravasation of vesicant agent
T80.82_Complication of immune effector cellular therapy
  • Complication of chimeric antigen receptor (CAR-T) cell therapy
T86.0_Complications of bone marrow transplant
Y63.2Overdose of radiation given during therapy
Y84.2Radiological procedure and radiotherapy as the cause of abnormal reaction of the patient, or of later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time of the procedure
Z08Encounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment for malignant neoplasm (medical surveillance following completed treatment)
Z40.0_Encounter for prophylactic surgery for risk factors related to malignant neoplasms
Z42.1Encounter for breast reconstruction following mastectomy
Z48.290Encounter for aftercare following bone marrow transplant
Z48.3Aftercare following care for neoplasm
Z51.0Encounter for antineoplastic radiation therapy
Z51.1_Encounter for antineoplastic chemotherapy and immunotherapy
Z51.5, Z51.89Encounter for palliative care and other specified aftercare
Z79.63_Long term (current) use of chemotherapeutic agent
Z79.64Long term (current) use of myelosuppressive agent (hydroxyurea)
Z79.81_Long term (current) use of agents affecting estrogen receptors and estrogen levels
Z85._Personal history of malignant neoplasm
Z86.00_Personal history of in situ neoplasm
Z86.010Personal history of colonic polyps
Z86.011Personal history of benign neoplasm of the brain
Z86.012Personal history of benign carcinoid tumor
Z92.21, Z92.23, Z92.25, Z92.3Personal history of antineoplastic chemotherapy, estrogen therapy, immunosuppression therapy or irradiation (radiation)
Z92.850Personal history of Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell therapy
  • Personal history of CAR-T-cell therapy
Z94.81, Z94.84Bone marrow and stem cell transplant status